Rockin’ the new do!

Catching y’all up…the port-a-cath surgery and recovery took about 2 hours and went off without a hitch.  When one of the nurses tried to start my IV, the vein she accessed wouldn’t cooperate and she quickly took the needle out so the vein wouldn’t “blow.”  This was proof positive that the Port is a good idea, because otherwise, my veins would potentially collapse with the chemo and blood draws over the next few months. No bueno. IMG_1720

The nursing staff and doctors were so kind, efficient and took great care of me.  I was so fond of them, I invited them all over for a barbecue!  Yes, I was still a bit woozy from the anesthesia, but even still, they were just so darn nice! (BTW, several years ago when I had a colonoscopy, I invited that hospital staff over for a BBQ then too! Hmm. I’m seeing a pattern here!?!)

After I went home, I felt a bit sore, but not too bad.  I had a nice nap and when I woke up, wonderful Marcia arrived, with a darling new hat I had my eye on!  We decided that today would be the day for the shaving…my head was itchy, felt sore and it felt like it was time.  Also, there’s a lot to be said for checking things off my list.  Another milestone on my journey to healing!

So, we went out back, enjoyed the afternoon breeze, turned on some Chris Tomlin, and she lovingly, gently, cut and shaved my head.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll show you instead of tell you how it went, and how I am doing…

Tomorrow is chemo and I am optimistic and ready!

4 thoughts on “Rockin’ the new do!”

  1. You totally rock it!! You have the million dollar smile & beauty radiating inside & out, who needs hair? What an inspiration you are!!!
    Love you my friend!

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