
Warmest greetings to you my dear family and friends. It has been a long time since I have written. For you who have faithfully followed my day to day story, this long period of silence has probably left you with lots of questions.  So let me start by saying, I am doing fine and I’m so sorry it’s been so long.

Today I am going to try to catch you up. First and foremost, I am done with chemo!  Three weeks ago, I completed my very last treatment. Thank you God!


I am so overjoyed that I made it through all 6 rounds, with relatively few side effects.  Having heard all the horror stories out there of how hard chemo is for some, I am grateful that the last 5 months brought me to this day, when it is finally over, and with manageable symptoms.  It wasn’t fun…lots of fatigue and dizziness…but all in all, I am very glad we chose this route plus additional integrative treatment, because my cancer responded as favorably as possible, according to my September MRI.  We received the blessing we all hoped and prayed for.

img_1911We started celebrating this milestone the day of the last treatment.  As we always have, we created quite a stir at BreastLink.  We showed up with our entourage, once again took over the waiting  room and “pushed the envelope” a bit by sneaking in more visitors then are allowed in the infusion center. (I’m sure that BreastLink is probably glad I am done with my treatment so the office can return to a little peace and quiet!)  I am forever grateful to my amazing oncologist Dr. Ein Gal and to the staff at BreastLink. They are the gold standard in breast cancer treatment.

This time, my entourage included my Greg and my mom (as always) and my dear friends Lori and Deena.  In between naps, these precious loved ones made my time fly by! Thank you, thank you to you all!

My inspiring role model, my warrior mom.
The faithfulness of all my friends, like Deena and Lori, were a huge reason I made it through with flying colors.

The support and love I have received from all of you, has been overwhelming and key to my healing.  Whether it be coming to chemo, cards/text of encouragement, prayers, phone calls, foot rubs, field trips to the beach, coloring and watching movies with me, FaceTimes, flowers, yummy treats, comments on this blog…the list goes on and on…you have each made getting well my reality.  If YOU EVER need anything, big or small, I’m your girl. You are all my role models.  I promise to give to you in any way you need! 

I was properly forewarned by Dr. Ein-Gal, that the recovery time after this last round of chemo is oftentimes longer than usual.  There is a cumulative effect of chemo and the last one really “packed a wallop!”  Ok, I reasoned, I can take this one in stride.  One little problem…I had a big date only 8 days after chemo…my beautiful niece was getting married. No matter what, I was bound and determined to make it to the big, blessed event!  Thank God, I was rested enough to get myself out of bed and make it there.  Between my family who took excellent care of me every second, and lots of prayers, I didn’t miss out on a thing.  I even got up a few times on the dance floor and busted a few moves.  Even post-chemo, I had to give in to my need to celebrate and “get down with my bad self.”


The happy couple, Elise and Julian
My beautiful family

Was I tired after the wedding?  You bet.  I landed back in bed for another 2 weeks. But it was well worth every ounce of energy I had. Wouldn’t change a thing!

Finally, after a longer time of recuperation…I started to resume the activities that I love, like walking on the beach with the love of my life…my husband, my best friend, the best man in the world, my Greg.


Today, marks 3 weeks since my last chemo, and I am soon on my way in to receive my first Herceptin infusion treatment, which will occur every three weeks until next July.  Hopefully there will be no side effects and I will continue to get stronger and better every day. I look forward to Thanksgiving with great anticipation.  Our whole family will be together at my beautiful niece Dayna’s house…I’ve never been so thankful.  My heart is overflowing.

My next big step is surgery on December 2nd.  Another chapter to look forward to, another opportunity to trust God.

You will hear more from me very soon, I have lots of thoughts I want to share…but for now, I want to shout out my thankfulness to ALL of YOU!! I hope you know how much you have blessed me.  I hope your thanksgiving is a time of great blessings for you and yours!

Sending you all my love and gratefulness!


5 thoughts on “Thankful!”

  1. What a fabulous chapter to share with all of us! I felt like I was sitting on the foot of your bed as you were relaying all of the twists and turns…This is such a treasure to have and to share with others. All our afflictions, fears and challenges are there to help one another and I have been so moved and uplifted by everything you (and Greg! What MAN wants to be in all these girl photos?!?) have walked through and SOARED HIGH in. Anticipating a fabulous turkey dinner for you all, rest where you need it (or others know that you do) and smooth sailing into the surgery. Love and hope for another great new chapter. Love you oodles! To breasts and beyond!

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  2. Yay for you! As you bless us with you contagious enthusiasm, so will God continue to bless you!
    Prayers for continues good health and recovery and for the procedure to come. You got this girl!

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  3. So beautifully said from a beautiful person inside and out! Thank you for sharing and so glad your out of the post chemo journey!!
    Love you a ton! God continues to bless us with you and allowing us to share this journey with you!! You are a blessing to us indeed Sandy!!
    Enjoy Gobble Gobble and this time of year to be grateful for God’s blessings!! Hugs🤗❤️💗💕

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  4. Dearest Sweet Sandy…
    I miss you so much and keep you close to my heart…a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of you and I’m sending you all my love and prayers. You are such a great Blessing to me and all of your friends. Thank you for posting your beautiful words and pictures.


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